Tuesday, June 30, 2009



So if you humans don't already know, you will now! My brothers, my side kicks, my martians, my affiliates, my family, my 2 aces in the hole, my blackanese boyz(black guys gone japanese) and the hot damn list goes on! They finally put out the single that everybodys been waiting for. Its called What You Wanna Do Featuring. Emerson Brooks. Emerson Brooks will steal youre girlfriends SO HAND CUFF YOU'RE LADIES!!!! If you're out with you're girl put one of those child leashes on her!!!! Anywhoosers! The single is out, GO LISTEN, GO DOWNLOAD. If you don't you're lame because in a few days or weeks or whatever you're gona be another band waggon ass d*ck rider like the usual joe is! You diggity dig? The Crash Landing, the third CD by the Anime Boyz comes ou real soon so stay tuned or get hit by a cartoon! You'res truely! NES!

P.S. I took the KING out my name because a lot of lames starting using KING! So you boys go ahead and enjoy it, I figure i need to advance since now my flow is swine flu and you guys are still the sniffles!


oh yes i almost forgot. You can hear the song here!


Friday, June 26, 2009

Heroes Don't Die, They Live Forever! JUNE 25TH, THRILLER DAY!!!!

Whats Goin On World?

This is pretty much the worst blog I could ever write. I never imagined speaking about this, or even witnessing it occure. As the entire world knows by now, the great, legendary, amazing, beyond talented, genius and the list goes on, Michael Jackson passed away on June 25th, 2009. I will now and forever know June 25th as THRILLER DAY! MJ was pretty much everyone's hero, influence, idol etc. He was mine as well. I grew up to his music, to the movies, the video games, everything. Although he was referred to as the King of Pop, I see him as the King of Music PERIOD! Now i don't want to get off track but there is something I REEEEEALLY want to address. I'm seeing a lot of you people posting on you're facebook and twitters things such as "RIP TO THE GREATEST", "RIP TO THE LEGEND" etc etc. But I remember a lot of you calling him a molester and shitting on his name not too long ago. You are what I like to call band wagon ass d*ck riders! Anyways. The legend has passed, I just hope the media will finally let the man be!

P.S. I was at Best Buy today and the dude was talking on the radio saying everything Michael Jackson in the store was sold out! That's insane!


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fist In Yo' Face BIOOOTCH!!!


So I thought that the level of lame within human society had been reached, until I was proven wrong today by the ever so lame Perez Hilton! Now, I gotta say Perez is right, violence doesn't solve anything. But I believe, when you're constantly serving shit, a little old school knuckle sandwich never hurt nobody...well...it did literally..but you know what I mean. Anyways im not gonna get into all this detailing and shit. There's innocent people dieing and starving all over the news so the last thing im gonna do is go media bonkers over some moron who can't handle a little punch crying all over the world about it. Perez, you got hit, not shot, not stabbed, not killed...HIT!! There's kids in elementary school that get their asses kicked every day during recess that take it better than you did. Suck it up homeboy!!again...not literal! Honestly Perez, after watching you're video i wish you got a bigger ass kicking! Straight up! lol

P.S. I was having a shitty day until i heard you're phone interview on virgin radio where you started crying...that shit was hilarious dude! Good job! lol

P.S.S. Heres some funny ass videos for you guys! Don't say i never give you nothin!!!!


Listen to this f*ckboy speak. My 1 year old son is more of a man than this lame lol

Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Best Hangover EVER! (cheesy right?? I'm good like that!)


Sooooo the next movie review I'm going to be doing is on.You got it! The Hangover. You guys are so smart! Now first off I want to say that I walked in to this movie expecting it to be funny, but really nothing special. When I left the movie, I can honestly say its one of the top 5 funniest movies I've ever seen! You all know the plot, 4 friends go to Vegas for a bachelor party, they get F'ed up beyond repair, one goes missing, and the laughs just keep coming! I haven't laughed that hard in a very, very long time. I give this a 5/5 hands down, check it out, if you don't like it, then you should probably go head first into a wall full speed. Call me if you do do that though because I'd love to see it!!!! :)


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Terminator Salvation!


Alright. I have a question, and if someone can actually give me a good answer I'll maybe understand better. Why are all the good movies coming out getting the most horrible reviews? These movie reviewers really need to get kicked in the private area, smacked with the DVD's they review, then fired! If some weird dumb shit movie comes out everyones masturbating to it going nuts giving it the highest rating. Anyways, you douchebags arn't the reason this blog is being written. The reason for this, is, Terminatoooooooooooor!!!! I went out to see it Thursday and i gotta say i was pretty impressed. The action was amazing, the story line was good, and it was a lot better than T3! I'm looking forward to the next movie! My boy Christian Bale is just scouping up any big franchise he can get his hands on! How about you call Chris and you two focus on a third Batman Mr. Bale!!!! Other than that, if you havn't gone to check the movie out yet, I suggest you do! I actually wana go see it again, so maybe you can call me when you go..and I can come???hmm??.....Anyways im outtie!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

DVD of the Week!

Back to back blogs? AWWWW YEEEEAAAAAAAA!!!

So, I just had to do this one to let all you humans know about a movie so bonafied bad ass you shouldn't rent it, you should BUY IT! When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I was like hmmm. Looks cool, but Liam Neeson? And then I went to see it in theaters and WOW. Probably one of the best movies I've seen in a good while! Not only that but I should have never doubted the dude Liam, because he was perfect for the role! So, Today, when your local Blockbuster, Rogers (Blockbuster is better), or where ever you shop is open, head down when you're done work and buy you're self a copy of the movie Taken. It's got a one day special price, if that fails you can always head to your local friendly Wal-Mart, their prices are always the bomb diggity!


Super Hero of the Week! Part 2!

Whats Crackalackin!

So....It's pretty much Tuesday. 1:20 a.m. and I totally forgot about the Super Hero of the week. Give me a break it's only week 2 I need to get in routine. Do any of you even read this? Probably not. Oh well. You will one day, and your going to ask your selves "why the hell wasn't i following his blog earlier." And the answer issssssss. Because you're LAME! Now, with that being said. Without further bullshit, I give you this weeks Super Hero, and the greatest Super Hero in my opinion. My homeslice, my hero from another weirdo, Bruce Wayne a.k.a. BATMAN a.k.a. THE DARK KNIGHT a.k.a. you get the damn point! Info below, read it, watch the movies, and cartoons, watch them again, read my blog site. Everyday! :)


shout out to my dudsters over at wikitiy wikity wikipedia!