Sunday, June 7, 2009

The Best Hangover EVER! (cheesy right?? I'm good like that!)


Sooooo the next movie review I'm going to be doing is on.You got it! The Hangover. You guys are so smart! Now first off I want to say that I walked in to this movie expecting it to be funny, but really nothing special. When I left the movie, I can honestly say its one of the top 5 funniest movies I've ever seen! You all know the plot, 4 friends go to Vegas for a bachelor party, they get F'ed up beyond repair, one goes missing, and the laughs just keep coming! I haven't laughed that hard in a very, very long time. I give this a 5/5 hands down, check it out, if you don't like it, then you should probably go head first into a wall full speed. Call me if you do do that though because I'd love to see it!!!! :)


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