Sunday, May 24, 2009

Terminator Salvation!


Alright. I have a question, and if someone can actually give me a good answer I'll maybe understand better. Why are all the good movies coming out getting the most horrible reviews? These movie reviewers really need to get kicked in the private area, smacked with the DVD's they review, then fired! If some weird dumb shit movie comes out everyones masturbating to it going nuts giving it the highest rating. Anyways, you douchebags arn't the reason this blog is being written. The reason for this, is, Terminatoooooooooooor!!!! I went out to see it Thursday and i gotta say i was pretty impressed. The action was amazing, the story line was good, and it was a lot better than T3! I'm looking forward to the next movie! My boy Christian Bale is just scouping up any big franchise he can get his hands on! How about you call Chris and you two focus on a third Batman Mr. Bale!!!! Other than that, if you havn't gone to check the movie out yet, I suggest you do! I actually wana go see it again, so maybe you can call me when you go..and I can come???hmm??.....Anyways im outtie!


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

DVD of the Week!

Back to back blogs? AWWWW YEEEEAAAAAAAA!!!

So, I just had to do this one to let all you humans know about a movie so bonafied bad ass you shouldn't rent it, you should BUY IT! When I first saw the trailer for this movie, I was like hmmm. Looks cool, but Liam Neeson? And then I went to see it in theaters and WOW. Probably one of the best movies I've seen in a good while! Not only that but I should have never doubted the dude Liam, because he was perfect for the role! So, Today, when your local Blockbuster, Rogers (Blockbuster is better), or where ever you shop is open, head down when you're done work and buy you're self a copy of the movie Taken. It's got a one day special price, if that fails you can always head to your local friendly Wal-Mart, their prices are always the bomb diggity!


Super Hero of the Week! Part 2!

Whats Crackalackin!

So....It's pretty much Tuesday. 1:20 a.m. and I totally forgot about the Super Hero of the week. Give me a break it's only week 2 I need to get in routine. Do any of you even read this? Probably not. Oh well. You will one day, and your going to ask your selves "why the hell wasn't i following his blog earlier." And the answer issssssss. Because you're LAME! Now, with that being said. Without further bullshit, I give you this weeks Super Hero, and the greatest Super Hero in my opinion. My homeslice, my hero from another weirdo, Bruce Wayne a.k.a. BATMAN a.k.a. THE DARK KNIGHT a.k.a. you get the damn point! Info below, read it, watch the movies, and cartoons, watch them again, read my blog site. Everyday! :)

shout out to my dudsters over at wikitiy wikity wikipedia!


Monday, May 11, 2009

Star Treeeeeeeeeeek!

Alright. So, I heard a lot of good things about this movie, reviews on it were pretty damn good. But lately reviews on movies have been shit! Either way the trailers made the movie look good. But, I saw it for myself and I have to say the movie was doooooooooooooooope! Seriously, if you haven't seen it, or don't know if you should, definitely go see it. It's got a lot of good action it's funny, the casting was good and acting was on point! I think i became a trekky after seeing this! They better be making moooore!!!! I give this a 5/5! word to big bird!


Monday, May 4, 2009

Super Hero of the Week! Part 1!


Alriiiiight, so. I said I would be doing this and damn it I'm doing it! This will be a weekly thing, every monday! Why? Because I want to! So. Now, Ricky said that Batman should be this weeks choice seeing as I'm a huge Batman freak. I had found the perfect picture to use and was about to go ahead and do it. Until i remembered, Gambit! Next to Wolverine he's pretty much the best character from X-Men and one of my fav. Marvel characters period. The link below will give you a good background on Gambit!! Ricky I'm sure you'll agree on this one!

Super Hero of the Week! Part 1!

2pac alive? I hope so!

Alright so TMZ apparently snapped a few photos of some guy that looks like 2pac and they're saying its actually him! Now, i didn't really believe it as much until I saw this pic. It's with him and 50 cent together. Now, either somebody is damn good at photoshop, or 50 is standing next to a statue and trying to get some shine since his last 2 singles flopped like pancakes off a spatula and his album keeps getting pushed back! Or this is actually 2pac! Anyhooters.. You be the judge!


The best release of April!


Just letting all you X-Men fans out there that grew up in the 90's watching this cartoon like I did every single day after school and on weekends! They released the first 2 seasons on DVD last week. This is a must have, so if you don't pick it up, your lame! Ricky and moi already got our copies...were just cool like that. Anywho pokeroo go pick em up. Oh yea, ignore the prices on the picture. Head over to Wal-Mart they're like 19 bucks there! WOOOOOORD


Sunday, May 3, 2009


What Up Humans!

So..I read reviews..I listened to peoples input on the movie..and I went to go see it for myself last night..and I would first like to start off by saying.. All of you that said Wolverine sucked, first thing you need to do before you finish reading this post is go do a summersault into a brick wall and then cart wheel your asses into a tree. After you've done so, I'd like you to sit under that tree in pain, and really think about what you've said. Now, moving along. The movie was actually dope. It's everything you needed from a Wolverine movie. Hugh Jackmen plays him perfect again, Gambit was done wicked, Sabertooth was done wicked, Wade Wilson/Deadpool was done awsome (other than the fact that he had swords coming out of his hands rather than carrying them around). Thats what you call giving Directors too much freedom. So, dear directors, if people liked shit the way it was originally, don't go adding your own little cool twists. We don't give a F about them. LEAVE SHIT ALONE!!!!!!! Other than that, the movie was really good, can't wait for another one. For those that havn't seen it, make sure you stick around the whole way through after the credits because there's a second ending. Ummmm...what else... I guess thats it. I give it 4.5/5 annnnnnnd if anybody disagrees. Guess what? Did you guess that i don't give a shit?? Ding Ding Ding..good job! This concludes my movie review..and I'll be doing this more often.. So all you bad movie reviewers... I'll be here to make you feel stupid from now on :)



Saturday, May 2, 2009

If its 3 a.m. know its good!!

Howdy world!

It's past 3 a.m..... 3:14 a.m. to be exact right now! I'm dead tired and have no reason to be up! But while I'm here I should probably let you all know, I want to thank all of you out there that have been listening, downloading, and promoting the new track Super Girl. I appreciate it. The feedback I've been getting is great! IF you haven't heard it yet head over to and check it out along with the wrest of the great music on there!!! If you would like to download the song hed over to my facebook group King Nes World! and the link is there for a free download...oh yea..its also below this post..but head over and join the group anyways :)

On anotherrrrrrr note. I have submitted the song to the Flow 93.5 OTA Live Countdown. So cross your fingers, toes, legs, arms, and all that good shit and PRAY i get on! If i do, it's gonna be a problem for most people :)

And last but not least. I'll be doing either a daily, or weekly post called SUPERHERO OF THE DAY or SUPERHERO OF THE WEEK. Which ever I decide to run with! If you guys have any suggestions or ideas don't be scurred to holllllerrrrrr at moi and let me know! Anyways, I'm going to bed now, my son is going to wake me up in about 2 or 3 hours for a nice warm bottle of milk and a quick game of chase me around the house while i knock everything down :)