Sunday, May 3, 2009


What Up Humans!

So..I read reviews..I listened to peoples input on the movie..and I went to go see it for myself last night..and I would first like to start off by saying.. All of you that said Wolverine sucked, first thing you need to do before you finish reading this post is go do a summersault into a brick wall and then cart wheel your asses into a tree. After you've done so, I'd like you to sit under that tree in pain, and really think about what you've said. Now, moving along. The movie was actually dope. It's everything you needed from a Wolverine movie. Hugh Jackmen plays him perfect again, Gambit was done wicked, Sabertooth was done wicked, Wade Wilson/Deadpool was done awsome (other than the fact that he had swords coming out of his hands rather than carrying them around). Thats what you call giving Directors too much freedom. So, dear directors, if people liked shit the way it was originally, don't go adding your own little cool twists. We don't give a F about them. LEAVE SHIT ALONE!!!!!!! Other than that, the movie was really good, can't wait for another one. For those that havn't seen it, make sure you stick around the whole way through after the credits because there's a second ending. Ummmm...what else... I guess thats it. I give it 4.5/5 annnnnnnd if anybody disagrees. Guess what? Did you guess that i don't give a shit?? Ding Ding Ding..good job! This concludes my movie review..and I'll be doing this more often.. So all you bad movie reviewers... I'll be here to make you feel stupid from now on :)



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